
Valuation Companies In Australia

Situated in the distant corner of the southern hemisphere, Australia is another appreciable contributor to the global economy. Some of the biggest industries in Australia include healthcare, finance, coal and iron ore mining, eCommerce, technology, construction, hospitality, and manufacturing. A significant part of Australia’s economy is covered by cities like Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, and Perth.

The country has always been a stable economy. Yet, it is a competitive business playground where businesses must remain on their toes to thrive. Valuation plays an important role here. Knowing your business’s worth enables you to make several decisions concerning mergers and acquisitions, taxation, investments, etc. Valuation India’s valuation services in Australia are here to help!

At Valuation India, we are an Indian valuation firm with a global presence. We provide valuation services in multiple cities in Australia. Our expert valuation professionals in Australia stay abreast of the latest developments and compliance concerning business valuation in Australia and provide valuable insights that drive decisions and action. Please take a look at our valuation services in Australia.

Valuation Firms in Australia

Our Valuation Services

We cover a range of assets and business areas via our valuation services in Australia. Here are some of them.

  • Tangible asset valuations
  • Intangible asset valuations
  • Management Buy Out (MBO) valuations
  • Valuations for mergers, demergers, and corporate restructuring
  • Portfolio valuation
  • Valuation under Sweat Equity/ESOP
  • Expert witness company valuations
  • Impairment testing
  • Startup valuations
  • Debts and derivatives
  • Swap ratio valuation
  • Fairness opinions for existing valuation
  • Valuations for dispute settlements

Valuation Methods We Use in Australia

Our valuation professionals in Australia leverage various valuation methods and select the right one based on your business’s requirement.

  • Asset-Based Valuation Method
  • RoI-Based Valuation Method
  • Going Concern Method
  • Liquidation Value Method
  • Multiples of Earnings Valuation Method
  • Capitalization of Earnings Valuation Method
  • Comparable Companies Multiples method (CCM)
  • Book Value Valuation Method
  • Market Capitalization Method
  • Comparable Transaction Multiples method (CTM)
  • Discounted Cash Flow Method, etc.

Why is Valuation India the Preferred Valuation Company in Australia?

Here are some reasons you must choose us as your valuation partner in Australia.

  • Expertise in Australia’s valuation standards and compliance
  • Action-based valuation reports and insights
  • Seasoned valuers in Australia
  • Transparent and timely reporting
  • A comprehensive range of valuation services in Australia

Let’s connect at [email protected]. Our professionals will gladly assist you.