• July 7, 2023

How to Invest in a Business and Make Money?

Has an entrepreneur recently invited you to invest in their business? Are you eyeing a business with enormous growth potential and want to invest in it? Then, it is pretty obvious for you to ask how to invest in a...

  • June 7, 2023

How to Calculate Valuation of a Company Shark Tank?

Shark Tank! These two words are creating a buzz across business circles in India. As an entrepreneur aspiring to make it big, we’re sure you must have heard about them. To get investors from the Shark Tank in your business...

  • May 30, 2023

How to Calculate the Valuation of a Startup?

How to Calculate the Valuation of a Startup? Are you a startup owner looking to bring in investors for your venture or want to know your business’s market worth? Then it is obvious for you to ask how to calculate...

  • February 10, 2023

How Swap Ratio is calculated in Merger

The swap ratio is an exchange rate of the shares of the companies that undergo a merger. A swap ratio is a rate that an acquiring company will offer its own shares in exchange for the target company's shares during a merger or acquisition. Of course, M&A...

  • January 23, 2023

Brand Valuation: What It Means and Why It Matters?

Brand Valuation: What It Means and Why It Matters? Transforming a name into a brand is a painstaking process. It takes time, effort, and an immaculate strategy to achieve brand status in the market. Over a while, brands build a...

  • September 6, 2022

7 Things to Know About Business Valuation

Are you looking to evaluate your business? Then, here are seven things you must know about business valuation. Business Valuation In simple words, business valuation refers to determining the value of a particular business. It is done by certified valuers...

  • March 10, 2022

Reasons Why Valuation India is the Leading Valuation Service Provider in India

Valuation forms an essential aspect for every organization, no matter whether it is a startup or a multinational enterprise. But for something as critical and intricate, you need a reliable valuation service provider. Valuation India steps in as a trustworthy...

  • November 8, 2021

How to Value a Business Based on Revenue

How to Value a Business Based on Revenue? Enterprise Value/ Revenue is one of the many ways of business evaluation. It is a pretty straightforward technique of evaluation. However, while using it, one must be careful, as the method can...